music video

Everything seems to be lost in the life of father whose son has died, so he decides to make a radical step. But good memories are stronger and they help him to forgive himself and finally find peace.
My role: director, writer, idea development
Status: released
Release year: 2019
Length: 5 min

Everything seems to be lost in the life of father whose son has died, so he decides to make a radical step. But good memories are stronger and they help him to forgive himself and finally find peace.

My role:
director, writer, idea development

Status: released
Release year: 2019
Length: 5 min

  • Director: Mascha Deikova
  • Director of Photography: Imanuel Thallinger
  • Producer: We Blame The Empire

Remarkable in this work for me was our concept of connecting two videos by using extremely different camera and editing styles. I learned how powerful the contrasts may be if you are not afraid to use them.

I also realized that music videos are all about emotions and I think it’s very important in all kinds of films. In my opinion, it’s better if your viewer doesn’t get each facet of your message but feels it, then if he understands everything and doesn’t have any feeling at all.