sci-fi drama
In a world where people use special implant instead of real sleep, narcissist Ewan discovers by accident the world of dreams and for the first time confronts his own unconsciousness. That leads him to a dangerous idea of selling dreams as market goods no matter the costs.
In a world where people use special implant instead of real sleep, narcissist Ewan discovers by accident the world of dreams and for the first time confronts his own unconsciousness. That leads him to a dangerous idea of selling dreams as market goods no matter the costs.
My role: director, idea, creative leader
Status: released
Release year: 2020
Length: 30 min

- Directors: Mascha Deikova, Elisabeth Derbay
- Director of Photography: Imanuel Thallinger
- Producer: Marie Maitrot
- Production Designer: Justine Thomas
„Status Quo“ is our master graduation project.
The most important knowledges that I got during the long period of working on this short film: how and when to listen to other people and their ideas, how to make decisions, how to organise working process in a big team, how to make a compromise in co-working, how to communicate with actors and surely how not to lose creativity on this long way to result.
My role: director, idea, creative leader
Status: released
Release year: 2020
Length: 30 min
1 year preproduction
15 shooting days
42 scenes
45 people in team
1 robotic vacuum cleaner (as a character ;))