music video

Travelling with a small circus show, Lina can’t stop wondering if it is really everything life has to offer. Dirty motels, half-empty pubs, underpaid performances and drunk viewers – things, that feel wrong. On the bottom of her heart Lina knows that she doesn’t belong here. But what can you do, if you haven’t seen know any better?

My role: director & writer
Status: released
Release year: 2021
Length: 5,5 min

A couple of lovers meet for a date which turns out to be some weird game they both are familiar with. Does each relationship have to go through these stages? How much do we hurt ourselves when we hurt others and vice versa? What is love?.. This video doesn’t try to give the right answers. It is more about asking the questions.

My role: co-director & idea development
Status: released
Release year: 2021
Length: 6,5 min


Director: Mascha Deikova
DOP: Imanuel Thallinger
Music by: Blue Bentu
Sound supervisor: Delta Vision

“Bodom” is our first music video for the French-Austrian artist Blue Bentu and at the same time it is more than just a melodic cut of different scenes. From the very beginning we wanted to create a narrative story, a short emotional film which will inspire and encourage. Changing one’s life may seem as a difficult step, but if you feel like it, you should take this chance. In the end it’s always worth it.

This production turned out to be very challenging for us. Firstly, we were a very small crew for so many shooting days and locations. Secondly, we could film only on weekends. We also met other issues along our way, like the big lockdown in autumn 2020. But we never stopped. We didn’t want to compromise. We made it through, even if making this video took us one whole year. Now we are even more proud of where this whole process took us.