short drama

After Josephine drops the marble, a sudden chain of events unfolds in front of her. John’s and her long-planned evening won’t become a reality. Instead they will find a big unexpected insight about themselves.
My role: director, writer, idea development
Status: released
Release year: 2019
Length: 3,5 min

After Josephine drops the marble, a sudden chain of events unfolds in front of her. John’s and her long-planned evening won’t become a reality. Instead they will find a big unexpected insight about themselves.

My role: director, writer, idea development
Status: released
Release year: 2019
Length: 3,5 min


Director: Mascha Deikova
Director of Photography: Imanuel Thallinger
Sound supervisor: Delta Vision

This movie was born within 36 hours from the first idea to the final cut. It was our submission for the Instant36 Short Film Competition, an annual contest which takes place in Salzburg, Austria. This year’s topic was “Off track” and we decided to interpret it our way and connect to a deeper message. Also, we had a passionate small crew, wonderful brave actors and lots of fun by making our longtake.

We are extremely proud of what we achieved in this short time and are honoured that the judges picked our short as the overall winner of this year’s competition. 🙂 Austrian actor and director Karl Markovics who was also one of the judges says about the movie: „Eine in sich geschlossene atmosphärische dichte Geschichte in nicht einmal 5 Minuten und das auch noch witzig zu erzählen – ein kleines Wunderwerk!“