
A documentary about future living spaces which researches two different visions of human’s future home: a point of view of those who want to organize a colony on Mars and an opinion of people who develop sustainable projects on Earth now to make our planet a better place to live.
My role:
1st AD, researcher, interviewer

Status: in production
Release year: 2020
Length: approx. 90 min

A documentary about future living spaces which researches two different visions of human’s future home: a point of view of those who want to organize a colony on Mars and an opinion of people who develop sustainable projects on Earth now to make our planet a better place to live.

My role:
1st AD, researcher, interviewer
Status: in production
Release year (planned): 2022
Length: approx. 90 min

  • Director: Eva Pieroth
  • Director of Photography: Georg Sommer
  • Producer: Marie Maitrot

This is the master graduation project of my colleague Eva Pieroth and I was glad to be the part of it from the beginning. Our research team was international: German, French and me (Russian), that’s why we could look at the main research issue from different perspectives.

I was mainly researching on the Mars topic, because it correlates with my general interest in outer space. I also helped Eva as her Assistant Director and we were making practically all the interviews together. This project taught me to look deeper, wider and from all existing sides.