<20 Hertz

abstract short

Everything seems to be lost in the life of father whose son has died, so he decides to make a radical step. But good memories are stronger and they help him to forgive himself and finally find peace.
My role: director, writer, idea development
Status: released
Release year: 2019
Length: 5 min

Some people find beautiful things there, where others wouldn’t see anything special. So does Felix who’s collecting and enjoying the most rare sound in the world – silence. But as he meets Sarah, something changes in his weird and dreamful Universe.

My role: director, idea development
Status: released
Release year: 2018
Length: 6,5 min

  • Director: Mascha Deikova
  • Director of Photography: Daniela Jud
  • Producer and supervisor: Stephan Vorbrugg

I’ve never shot an abstract film before and it was in the beginning not that easy to go step away from the normal dialogs and customary blocking. But already on set, due to the right shooting time and beautiful spacious location I’ve got some magical and “from the other side” feeling, which we had applied to our work. Sound design in postproduction finalized the atmosphere of this short.

To shoot in 4×3 was also one of our creative decisions. It provided extra space for our protagonist in his special world and also added some cosmic feeling to the atmosphere of the film.